This Website to cover a Pinball and Video Game Review of High Scores and their Origins
Kong Off II - The 1UP Barcade - Denver, CO - Donkey Kong Competition (November 16-17, 2012)
Including Twin Galaxies - Jordan Adler, Richie Knucklez, Jon Exidy Jamshid and Walter Day
Jeff Willms - 1st Place Winner of Kong Off 2 Competition
1UP Denver, CO November 16-17, 2012
Kong Off 2 Live Event - Final Results
Donkey Kong High Scores
1st Place - Jeff Willms 1,105,400
2nd Place - Dean Saglio 1,079,400
3rd Place - Steve Wiebe 1,006,700
See the Results of "The Kong Off 2" at the 1UP Barcade Denver, CO
The details and photos are here: link
Richie Knucklez and Paul Dean's Pole Position High Score Contest
Richie Knucklez and Paul Dean's Pole Position Challenge
Pole Position Challenge / High Score Contest at CALIFORNIA EXTREME
California Extreme 2012
July 28, 2012 - 12:00-5:00pm
Hyatt Regency Santa Clara, CA
See Details here: link
Lonnie Johnson Jr. - Bubble Bobble Maximum WR Score 9,999,990
May 23, 2012
Lonnie Johnson Jr. - Bubble Bobble Champion
Within a few months of regular practice Lonnie Johnson,
an avid Bubble Bobble player back in the 1980's was able
to achieve the maximum score of 9,999,990
WR Holder Lonnie Johnson Jr. - Bubble Bobble
Questions and Answers interveiw with Paul Dean See link
Get Well Gamers Foundatoin
Get Well Gamers Foundation
(PSP) Patrick Scott Patterson interviews Ryan Sharpe,
the President of the "Get Well Gamers Foundation" - See link
Get Well Gamers Foundation
GameDay 2011
GameDay 2011
A fundraiser put together by gamers who support the
International Video Game Hall of Fame and Museum, will take place
during Memorial Day weekend, from May 27 to May 29, 2011. link
Richie Knucklez "Kong Off" March 19-20, 2011
Kong Off
Date: March 19th and 20th 2011 Get your tickets!
Richie Knucklez Arcade Donkey Kong Competition "Kong Off"
631 Route 12 Flemington, NJ
10 Machines, 10 Top DK Players, 1 Top Score!!!! link
Richie Knucklez & Billy Michell's "Kong Off" Donkey Kong Showdown
-- March 20, 2011 Final Results --
1st Place Hank Chien - 994,400
2nd Place Steve Wiebe - 986,900
3rd Place Eric Howard - 941,800
Richie Knucklez Aucade "Kong Off" Leaderboard: link
International Video Game Hall of Fame
2011 International Video Game Hall of Fame Inductees To Be Nominated By Public
The IVGHOF Public Nominating Deadline is on March 15, 2011
It's the publics chance to nominate one player who deserves to be inducted into the
prestigious 2011 International Video Game Hall of Fame. Nominate now!!!
Las Vegas Insert Coin(s) New Arcade and Lounge Grand Opening April 14, 2011
New Las Vegas Classic Arcade Grand Opening Insert Coin(s) Barcadia (Classic Gaming and Dancing)
David Presley - Classic 1985 World Record Holder of Time Pilot '84
Paul Dean interviews David Presley on his 1985 Time Pilot World Record which was
published in the 1986 Guinness Book of World Records link
Starting on Saturday December 11th 2010 at noon, Donald Hayes, Mark Sellers,
and the current Tron WR holder David Cruz will go head to head on a 3 way TRON
marathon at Ritchie Knuckles Arcade Flemington, NJ
WINNER - TRON OFF - Donald Hayes, Tron, 9,120,000 A NEW World Record 12/11/2010
Not to be out done on 12/19/2010 after 16 1/2 hours, David Cruz set the world record
on Tron with a score of 11,125,999 points taking back his First Place position on Tron. link
Mark Gotfraind - 1983 World Record Holder of Phoenix
Paul Dean interviews Mark Gotfraind on his 1983 Phoenix World Record which still stands today link
Patrick Scott Patterson offers a feature story
on Paul Dean's 9.5 milion point Spy Hunter Score
Patrick Scott Patterson of Denton Arcade Game Examiner Feature Story on Paul Dean
James Vollandt - 1985 Joust Iron Man Contest - Hours Played 67 1/2 hours
Paul Dean interviews James Vollandt on his 1985 Joust Iron Man Marathon World Record
of 67 hours and 30 minutes link
John McAllister - Joust World Record
Paul Dean interviews John McAllister on his recent Joust Marathon World Record
score of 107,301,150 which took 53 hours and 51 minutes link
On July 8, 1985 James Vollandt completed the world record score of 107,216,700 on Joust
which is an important score and game in the video gaming marathon world because this score
was a result of the 1985 famous Iron Man contest at Johnny Zee's Family Fun Center, Victoria,
BC Canada which lasted 67 ½ hours and it is considered the longest game play that any one
has ever played with an extremely high score, and done live in front of Twin Galaxies referee's
with major money to be won to anyone who can go 100 hours during that marathon.
Now with a new vigor in classic coin-op gaming, John McAllister is determined to take down
all the big name world record scores one at a time!
October 22, 2010 - John McAllister is at it again Marathoning Joust! He won't give up
until he has the world record. It will be about a 53 hour 51 minutes game in total.
James Vollandt's 1985 Iron Man Contest Joust score is in peril as John McAllister edges
in closer by the hour.
See the Joust Marathon live stream here at (Chris Mansfields home arcade in
West Seattle, Seattle, WA.):link
The Stream:
Viewers 137
Followers 42
Views 41,096
EDIT: October 22, 2010
JOUST New World Record!
John McAllister - High Score Initials: (ELF)
Final Score 107,301,150
Start Time: 2:26 pm Wednesday October 20, 2010
End time: 8:15 pm Friday October 22, 2010
Total Hours of Game: 53 hours 51 minutes
Extra Men in Storage: 105
Final score: 107,301,150
Disney California Adventure Park to Open Flynn's Arcade ElecTRONica to celebrate
Tron Legacy the new Movie to be released December 17, 2010 link
October 8, 2010 Flynn's Arcade DCA - End of Line Club Grand Opening and Laser DJ Dance Party
with Laserman
at Hollywood back lot & Dine location.
Grand Opening Flynn's Arcade and End of Line Club Party to begin at 6:00 pm October 8, 2010
Disney California Adventure Park Flynn's Arcade ElecTRONica
Grand Opening on October 8, 2010 at 6PM.
Disney's link to the ElecTRONica and Flynn's Arcade Opening link
See Flynn's Arcade Game List link
Josh Houslander chats it up with Spy Hunter and Frenzy world record holder and IVGHOF inductee
Paul Dean. Filmed on 8/05/2010 at the Big Bang 2010 International Video Game Hall of Fame event
in Ottumwa, Iowa
See this Podcast link
Paul Dean Inducted into the Ottumwa Iowa Video Game Hall of Fame August 7 2010
August 6, 2010 - Press Enterprise Front Page Story - Riverside man, Paul Dean inducted
into Video Game Hall of Fame - link
TRON added to Paul's High Score Contest Games
Paul Dean's (CAX) California Extreme Fifth Annual Video Game High
Score Contest - July 17, 2010 (TRON GAME ADDED) link
See Paul Dean's Fifth Annual CAX Contest Rules and Contest Games for 7/17/2010 link
See Paul Dean's Fifth Annual CAX Contest Results 7/17/2010 link
International Hall Of Fame Inductees List
See the list of (IVGHOF) International Video Game Hall of Fame Inductees - Posted July 11, 2010 Link
(CAX) California Extreme
Paul Dean's CAX Fifth Annual Video Game High Score Contest - July 17, 2010
Paul Dean's California Extreme 2010 "High Score" Contest July 17, 2010
($210.00 In Cash Prizes)
See California Extreme 2010 "High Score" Contest writeup here on CAGdc Forums link
Happy 30th Birthday Pac-Man, From Paul Dean & IVGHOF
Here in the link below is a blank 30th Birthday Pac-Man card for viewing and printing if you want
to send it to The International Video Game Hall of Fame (IVGHOF) for the Induction of Pac-Man Link
Send Birthday Card to the following Address:
Pac-Man Birthday Card
International Video Game Hall of Fame & Museum
217 East Main Street
P.O. Box 308
Ottumwa, Iowa. 52501
(E3) Electronics Entertainment Expo - June 15-17, 2010
Bandai/Namco Games Booth Los Angeles, CA
E3 2010 Pac-Man Namco Booth Pac-Man 30th Anniversary - Paul Dean & Hailey Bright with Pac-Man
North West Pinball and Gameroom Show - June 11-13, 2010
On April 5, 2010 John P. McAllister set a new
Asteroids World Record Score of 41,838,740 points
beating Scott Safran's long standing score
John P. McAllister beat Scott Safran's November 13, 1982 Coin-Operated Asteroids
World Record score of 41,336,440 with a new World Record score of 41,336,440 with
a 57 3/4 hour world record marathon.
Read more about the history of Asteroids Scores: Link
See Asteroids Players Story and Pics: link
(SC3) Southern California Classic Collector's Meet - April 24, 2010
Steve Hertz Host - (SC3) Simi Annual Classic Arcade and Console Home Party
(SC3 Party)
Andre Meadows of (Black Nerd Comedy), Paul Dean and Gary Hatt - (US National Video Game Team)
International Video Game Hall of Fame and Museum at Ottumwa, Iowa
Big Bang 2010 Video Game International Video Game Hall of Fame
Induction Ceremony at Bridge View Center, Ottumwa, Iowa
Celebration: August 5th - 8th, 2010 From the birthplace of Competitive Gaming in Ottumwa, IA
The Citizens of Ottumwa would like to invite you to attend the forthcoming Inaugural
Ceremonies for the International Video Game Hall of Fame & Museum, scheduled for
Saturday night, August 7, 2010, at the Bridge View Ctr. in Ottumwa, Iowa.
International Video Game Hall of Fame:
2009 Canadian Pinball Championship - Sponsored by The Playdium Store
•Over $10,000 in Prizes and Giveaways!
October 23-25, 2009
Donkey Kong High Score Contest
There is a (1) Day Donkey Kong Contest on Saturday October 24, 2009
Contest Hours: 10:00am to 6:00pm - Cash Prizes
$350.00 in Cash Prizes + $15.00 Playdium Passes
Contest Location: The Playdium Store, 70 Ronson Drive, Toronto, Ontario
Twin Galaxies celebrates Paul Dean's California Extreme
(CAX) High Score Competition - (July 11, 2009)
Paul Dean's Fourth Annual CAX High Score Video Game Contest
(July 11, 2009)
CAX Video Game High Score Contest Date: (July 11, 2009)
Paul Dean California Extreme 2009 "High Score" Contest Winners -
Cash Prices for CAX Video Game High Scores: $210.00 Total
1st Place $40.00 2nd Place $20.00 3rd Place $10.00
Paul Dean presenting to Thomas Peter Prizes Won at CAX High Score Contest
First Place Players of each game received a CAX Video Game Plaque.
All Players who placed received limited edition numbered TG Posters
and Billy Mitchell Collectable Hot Sauce.
Top Score Players of Kick, DKII and Pole Position II (Fuji)
First Place Players:
David Lougy - (Kick)
Paul Novaes - (Donkey Kong II)
Michael Klug - Pole Position II (Fuji)
See complete results of the Paul Dean CAX high score contest: Link
California Extreme 2009
Show Dates: July 11-12, 2009
Hyatt Regency Santa Clara
Santa Clara, CA
Another high score contest sponsored by Paul Dean is coming to
California Extreme (CAX) this summer (7/11/09). This Fourth Annual
Paul Dean CAX coin-operated classic game high score competition
will have the following games:
Kick, Pole Position and Donkey Kong II with $210.00 in cash prizes.
Come join in on the fun! Link
California Extreme High Score Competition Details link
June 12-14, 2009 - North West Pinball and Gameroom Show
North West Pinball and Gameroom Show
Over 200 games on free play with price of admission plus raffles
and seminars about classic gaming and pinball.
Twin Galaxies presents an formal inauguration Hall of Fame Ceremony
in Seattle, Washington at the Northwest Pinball and Gameroom Show on
at 8:00pm June 12, 2009 Link
Twin Galaxies Hall of Fame Awards Ceremony
North West Pinball and Gameroom Show
International Video Game Hall of Fame Ceremony
Northwest Pinball and Gameroom Show
Seattle Center
Seattle, Washington
Saturday - 8pm June 13, 2009 Link
Also, we have Mark Alpiger's Classic Arcade Gaming (dot com) Classic
Gaming Tournament at the North West Pinball and Gameroom Show in Seattle, WA.
Seattle Center / Northwest Rooms
305 Harrison Street
Seattle, WA 98109
206-684-7200 (call for directions if needed)
May 28-31, 2009 - Funspot XI Annual International Classic Videogame Tournament
May 28-31, 2009 - Funspot XI Annual International Classic Videogame Tournament
The 11th Annual International Classic Videogame Tournament is here again
during Memorial Day Weekend at the Funspot Arcade in New Hamphire. This Classic
Videogame Tournament is from Thursday-Sunday May 28-31, 2009 where World-class
players come from several different countries from around the world to compete
on the classics! This event might see some more Guinness Book World Records.
Funspot Arcade
11th Annual International Classic Videogame Tournament
May 28-31, 2009
Route 3
Weirs Beach, NH 03247
Funspot Arcade
Route 3
Weirs Beach, NH 03247
Contact Funspot Link
Twin Galaxies Site Link
Who's Going to Funspot? Link
Southern California Pinball Party and Tournament - April 4, 2009
Orange County Pinball League and Spring Party - April 4, 2009
Paul Dean receives Twin Galaxies Poster and Billy Mitchell Hot Sauce
bottle from Chris Enright, O.C. Pinball Founder for high score game.
Paul Dean takes first place on a classic pinball game during the
Jim Belsito Spring Party in which the O.C. Pinball League met for
their first league night of the new year.
4/4/2009 - First Place Score Players at (O.C. Pinball League): Winners of
Poster and Hot Sauce by Billy Mitchell/Walter Day of Twin Galaxies:
WINNERS: Chris Enright, John Mohr, Johnny Modica, Paul Dean, Brent Stoddard,
Laura Stoddard, Bill Ung and Randy Perlow
March 14-15, 2009
Richie Knucklez / Mark Alpiger's
Classic Arcade Gaming (dot com) Tournament at Richie's Arcade
March 14-15, 2009
4th Annual Classic Arcade Gaming (dot com) Tournament
The fourth annual edition of The Classic Arcade Gaming (dot com)
Tournament was held at the new location - Richie Knucklez' Arcade
at 631 Rt. 12 Flemington, New Jersey 08822 (908)-806-2400
on March 14th-15th, 2009. Link
Winners of the 4th Annual Clasic Arcade Gaming (dot com) Tournament
99.21% Donald Hayes
97.44% Bryan Wagner
96.82% Dave Nelson
96.24% Jason Cram
95.90% Ben Falls
See the write-up of the Final Results (4th Annual CAG dot com Tournament)
September 18-21, 2008
Jimmy "Tongki" Linderman gets a Marathon World
record on Mr. Do! of 30,075,000 in 18 hours
of game play. See the Marathon article Link
October 3-5, 2008
E For All 2008 Event Dates Announced
"E For All"
Meet, Greet, and Beat The Champs Todd Rogers, at the All Games Network
Scot Rubin booth at "E For All" in Los Angeles October 3-5, 2008 where
Walter Day, the official referee for the Guinness Book of World Records
Gamer Edition, will be on hand to verify all record attempts and hand
out copies of the 2008 Guinness Book for gamers.
The Champions: Donkey Kong Champ, Steve Wiebe, Gorf Champ,
Todd Rogers, Spy Hunter Champ, Paul Dean, Berzerk Champ,
Phil Younger Link
The League of Legendary Gamers at "E For All"
For perhaps the only time in history, 5 of the Nations most recognized
gamers come together at "E for All" for one common cause, to "Feed the
In an attempt to do what matters most and fulfill an obligation as
productive citizens of the United States of America; Johnathan "Fatal1ty"
Wendel, Billy Mitchell, Justin Wong, Todd Rogers and TriForce all will
use their prolific gaming ability to host a National Food Drive at the
E For All expo. All "Five Kings" will be accepting gaming challenges from
the public as part of the campaign to generate food donations. Link
July 19-20, 2008
California Extreme 2008 Event Dates Announced
Games Show". In a nutshell, it's an annual celebration of coin operated
pinball machines, video games and other novelties you once found in game
arcades. It's two days that celebrate this exceptional entertainment medium
July 19-20, 2008, Parkside Hall, San Jose, CA. Link
July 18, 2008: Twiist Up 4: Santa Monica, CA
Steve Wiebe Donkey Kong World Record Attempt with Girls Got Game at Twiist uP4
by Jessica Villarreal Link
King of Kong Parody on South Park
South Park does Parody of King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters
South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone have signed a three year
extension with Comedy Central for a reported $75 million. They apparently
know what they are doing on Comedy Central, and on this 11th Season
Episode #9 10/10/07 the parody was on the King of Kong as Stan's
Dad tried hard to get into the Guinness Book of World Records. Link
King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters
King of Kong: Is popular with mainstream audiences across America!
Seth Gordon's 'King of Kong' - Goes Mainstream, Review: 9/16/07
Seattle, Washington cartoonist Kyle Bolton has done some art work on the
King of Kong story and how it portrays the different characters in the
Steve Wiebe VS Billy Mitchell Donkey Kong movie. Is the machinism of the TG
scoreboard broken, or is this a story of fiction? Either way, Seth Gordon
captures the essence of the high score video game player. There is much
debate on this film and the truth lies somewhere in between. The following
Alex Heaton Blog gives one viewpoint of how the mainstream audience sees
the King of Kong a study of a subculture and it's characters. Link
Some Reviewers are not to happy with the King of Kong Premise and think
the movie should have never been made such as Washington Posts, Ann Hornaday.
Here is her commentary and review of the King of Kong and my rebuttal. Link
California Extreme Video Game Classics Tournament
High Score Tournament and Marathon World Records Achieved at CAX 2007
California Extreme 2007 Video Game "High Score" Contest Final Results
California Extreme 2008 Video Game "High Score" Contest Final Results
Classic Video Game 'High Score' Contest Results and Cash Prizes
"Pay Out" for the 2007 California Extreme Video Game High Score
Event on August 11, 2007 Event and all Results as well as the
World Record Marathon Attempts done on August 12, 2007 at CAX,
Parkside Hall, San Jose, CA. coverage: Link
World Records Achieved at CAX 2007:
August 11, 2007 - CAX 2007
Moon Quake Gary Hatt 211,830 "New World Record"
August 12, 2007 - CAX 2007
Berzerk (Slow Bullets) Phil Younger 304,570 "New World Record"
Mr. Do! "Jimmy" Tongki Linderman 5,500,000 "New World Record"
High Score Tournament CAX 2007
California Extreme to have another Coin Operated Video Game
High Score Contest on August 11, 2007 with the High Score
Competition on Mr. Do!, Berzerk and a CAX Mystery Game with
$210.00 in CASH PRIZES. Link
Videotopia Traveling Exhibit brings the classic games back to life
Videotopia brings back the classics in an unlikely place
Robin Williams is Theodore Roosevelt in Night at the Museum, and now you
too can rove the museum halls after dark. When you here the bleeps and blips and
a call to save Princess Daphne from the next room, you will know what to do.
The Videotopia classic arcade game exhibit is traveling thoughout the country and
world to bring back the feel of the arcade and to give you one last chance
to play the antique known as the classic video game under your favorite
Tyrannosaurus Rex. Link
Thank you to Keith Feinstein, who wanted to set the record straight about how
useful the video game has been in our society, by bringing fourth this exhibit.
Pacman Championship Edition
Xbox Live Pacman Championship Winners:
The Winners are Xbox 360 Pac-Man World Champion Carlos Romero
(Pachuca, México) in First Place, Robert Glashuettner (Austria) in
Second Place and Dwayne Richard in Third Place. Link
Billy Mitchell to compete at the Pac-Man X-box 360 Championships
The 2007 Xbox 360 Pac-Man World Championships Has Begun
and Billy Mitchell, "Perfect Pacman" player has made the
cut and is going to New York for the Finals on June 5, 2007.
Here is the Billy Mitchell video: Link
X-box 360 Pac-man competition and Billy Mitchell
X-Box 360 sponsored by Quiznos, is starting a new Pac-Man Xbox 360 World
championships to see who is the best pac-man player in the world and
Billy Mitchell says he is still the Perfect Pac-man player and has
enrolled into this competition. Link
Pac-Man Retro Classic for Console: Xbox 360
Publisher: Namco Bandai Games Inc.
Genre: Xbox Live Arcade
Release Date: 8/9/06
Rating: General Audience
Xbox Live Aware
Microsoft Corp. and NAMCO BANDAI Games Inc
2007 Competition Dates:
5/4/07 - 5/10/07 National Tournament throughout approximately 25 countries with
various commercials celebrating the event. Link
Top one-thousand (1,000) best players in the world will be determined and
put on the Worldwide Pac-Man Leaderboard.
Finalists from each World-Wide Region will advance to compete in the 2007
Xbox 360 Pac-Man World Championship Grand Final in New York, NY (“Grand Final”).
Twin Galaxies Forum Posts on the X-box Live Arcade Xbox 360 Pac-man tournament: Link
Pac-Man X-Box Live World Championship Scores for United States
Leaderboard/Xbox 360 Scoreboard U.S.: Link
1st: 'pacmantab' - Tim Balderramos has scored 3,600,000 which is past
the split screen. "It starts back at Cherry for 100"
2nd: 'Jbob007' with 2,509,460
3rd: 'Perfect PACMAN '1,026,660' - Billy Mitchell
Only the top two U.S. players may advance to the New York Finals.
Leaderboard/Xbox 360 Scoreboard Canada:
1st: mrbigwig Dwayne Richard 1,969,620 Canada
Xbox 360 World Wide Regions are broken down into the following:
Asia, Australia/New Zealand, Canada, Europe, Japan, Mexico and United States -
* These regions cover a total of 25 participating countries.
The Nine best Regional Finalist will go to the Grand Finals in New York where
great prizes will be won by those competitors. Microsoft is the overall sponsor
of this event in which the finals will be played out live playing with Xbox
live rules.
X-Box 360 Pac-man Grand Finals:
June 1, 2007 Top Nine Finalists to be Announced
New York LIVE Finals June 5, 2007
SC3 (Southern California Classic Collectors Meeting - May 12, 2007)
SC3 (Southern California Classic Collectors Meeting - Sept 15, 2007)
Annual Get Together with SC3's Steve Hertz as Host in 2007
Steve Hertz and the SC3 Team are having a Coin Operated and Classic
Systems Party at his Claremont, Southern CA. home in which
he has an impressive game room of dozens of classic
coin operated games as well as classic console
system games.
The Southern California Classic Collectors Group is showcasing games from the
"classic" days of the early 1980s, and love games of all eras, from Pong to
PlayStation 3. If you love videogames, you're welcome to attend!
Date of Party @ Mini Tournament
Saturday May 12, 2007
at 6:00 PM - 11:00 PM
(SC3) Southern California Classic Collectors Group Link
Pictures from last years (2006 SC3 Party) Link
Funspot American Classic Arcade Museum and Tournament
2007 Funspot 9th Annual Video Game Tournament
The International Coin-Operated World Famous Funspot Classic Coin-Op Video game
& Pinball Tournament Ninth Annual Event takes place from
May 31, 2007 - June 3, 2007.
This is the largest coin-operated classics location where the best players in the
world compete against each other for cash prizes. The General Manager is Gary
Vincent who can be reached at (603) 393-7903, The Funspot Family Entertainment
Center is located on Route 3 in Weirs Beach, New Hamphire. Link
(Funspot IX) Attendees List Link
Steve Wiebe scores big on Donkey Kong for a new World Record of 1,047,200!
Steve Wiebe gets just due, with a new verified Donkey Kong
world record of 1,047,200 and documantary, King of Kong to boot!
King of Kong
Steve Wiebe pushed the Donkey Kong world record score a little bit
higher by beating Billy Mitchell's previous world record of 1,047,200
done on June 07, 2004. With Steve Wiebe's new world record of 1,049,100
done last summer, August 3, 2006, and completely verifed by Twin Galaxies
on 3/23/07, Wiebe is now in first again. This taped score has put Steve
Wiebe ahead in the war of scores which have been turned in between
Billy Mitchell and Steve Wiebe to Twin Galaxies at a rapid pace to see
who has the last word on Donkey Kong the arcade classic. Link
Billy Mitchell has a rebuttal about the King of Kong Movie Link
Early Intellivision is Major League Baseball but who is John Hodgman?
Notes from' Yale-educated New York Times contributor
John Hodgman, "Intellivision Guru ?"
John Hodgman
Keith Robinson of Intellivision speaks about his meeting with the
world renowned radio broadcast legend, who currently is getting TV
exposure in an ad campaign for Apple computers, (Mac) and
is the Author portrayed as reasonable and serious of
"The Areas Of My Expertise" (2005, essays) John Hodgman. Link
George Plimpton, The 1980's Intellivision Advertising Arm is the
predessor to the persona of John Hodgman. Link
"I have never been convinced there's anything inherently wrong in having fun."
George Plimpton, "Mr. Intellivision", Video Link List
California Extreme 2007
California Extreme 2007 - "Pre-Show" Announcement
The Annual California Extreme 2007 Classics Game Show (CAX 2007) is back
for it's 11th year returning for the weekend of August 11-12, 2007 at
the San Jose, Parkside Hall at San Jose, California with a big monies
pinball tournament in the making. Over 400 Classic Coin Operated Games
on FREE PLAY!! You have read the Very first CAX 2007 PRE-Announcement. Link
California Extreme 2007 Flyer Link
Scot Rubin, "All Games Interactive"
Scot Rubin
On Friday, February 2, 2007 at 6:00pm Scot Rubin, All Games Interactive podcast
host to speak with Walter Day, founder of Twin Galaxies and Robert T. Mruczek,
one time head TG Referee,regarding all of the recent changes and coin-operated
score results of both current and past records. Link
Here is a link to the 2/2/2007 All Games live Podcast of Scot Rubin,
Walter Day, Robert Mruczek and Roy Shildt Conversations. Link
There is also a 2/2/2007 Blog and photo
on the All Games site which covers the
Roy Shildt/Walter Day interview. Link
Roy Shildt VS Tony Temple - Missile Command Challenge
2/2/07 Roy Shildt VS Tony Temple - Missile Command Challenge
The proposed date of play is for April 7-8, 2007 at the Arena All Games
Interactive Lounge in Los Angeles, CA. There are a lot of things to be
worked out in order for Tony Temple to come all the way from England to
Los Angeles and play on the proper dip switch settings. What is the incentive
for Tony Temple to accept the challenge?
Dip #4 Switch ON? or Switch OFF? Link The answer to the challenge is here. Link
Standup Missile Command Manuals: Dip #4 Discussion ON or OFF?: Link
First Edition Manual Not Used?
Second Edition Manual Switch ON
Third Edition Manual Switch OFF
Sit-down cockpit cabinet Switch OFF
Cabaret-style mini cabinet Irrelevant
Missile Command Challenge
All Games Interactive Lounge
Scot Rubin - Podcast "All Game Interactive"
11512 Santa Monica Blvd.
Los Angeles, Ca 90025
Here is a video mix of, sponsor of AGI Podcast and Scot Rubin link
Rob Welkner
Rob Welkner of Coin-Op TV with Paul Dean, Spy Hunter Champion
Robert Welkner - Coin-Op TV Live
Rob Welkner of Coin-Op TV Live™ has started a new Retro & Current Video
Game News live Stream on Sunday Nights at 7Pm Pacific Time. Link
Tommy Tallarico of "Video Games Live" with Paul Dean at
All Games Interactive Holiday Party, December 21, 2006
Tommy Tallarico
"Video Games Live" The Concert Series
"Tommy Tallarico", the best known video game composer and
accomplished video game musician of all time announces a new
live performance of the Video Games Music that we hear every
day in a Classical Music mode helps us realize the power of this
new multimedia three dimensional phenomena that we in this century
evolve our lives around, "The Video Game and it's Music" A stage
show with interactive music with the video game sounds and visuals
that we have all grown up with.
Featured music will be from the some of the biggest video games of all
time, including "Halo," "Mario," "Zelda," "Warcraft," "Final Fantasy,"
"Arcade Classics" and others. With music performed by the Bowl Orchestra
and exclusive video footage and music arrangements, synchronized lighting,
solo performers, electronic percussionists, live action and unique
interactive segments, Video Games Live is an explosive one-of-a-kind
entertainment experience. Link
The Video Game Concert: Los Angeles, CA - Staples, Los Angeles, CA.
Will be at Staples Sometime during the E3 Convention Time Frame of
between July 11-13, 2007.
Chasing Ghosts Movie (2007)
"Chasing Ghosts" A Documentary
"Chasing Ghosts", is another great Sundance Video Game Documentary in 2007 about the
1980's Arcade's and the characters who went for marathon world records and fame.
"Chasing Ghosts"
"Chasing Ghosts", directed by Lincoln Ruchti, covers the Ottumwa Iowa
Arcade Championships, which was run by the proprietor, Walter Day, a place
which was considered the place to break world records back in the 1980's.
What are those one time famous video game players doing now? Link
Here are some Peter Hirschberg graphics, photos and documentation from the
Sundance Film Festival Superstar Event and Movie. Link
Premiere Show Times:
Monday, January 22, 2007 Thru Saturday, January 27, 2007
A New Video Game Documentary
King of the Kong
King of the Kong
January 19, 2007, Special Screening: 6:45pm
The Donkey Kong High Score Video Game Documentary
Donkey Kong was the 1981 arcade game that launched the carer of Mario and turned
Nintendo into a billion dollar gaming company. This documentary is about those
who play the game to win!
Starring: Steve Wiebe & Billy Mitchell
CAST: Billy Mitchell, Doris Self, Walter Day, Steve Sanders, Todd Rogers,
Brian Kuh with some with fame from the a reunion based around a 1982
photoshoot for Life Magazine.
The King of Kong
The King of Kong
This 79 minute documentary is based on the obsession and the pursuit of
excellence drive a group of diehard gamers to break Guinness World Records
on classic arcade games like Q*bert, Joust, Pac-Man and Donkey Kong.
The King of Kong is a documentary about two video game rivals named
Billy Mitchell and Steve Wiebe out to smash the world's record for
Donkey Kong the 1981 Coin Operated Video Game Classic.
DIRECTOR: Seth Gordon
PRODUCER: Ed Cunningham
Starring: Steve Wiebe, Billy Mitchell, Walter Day, Nicole Wiebe, Steve Sanders,
Robert Mruczek, Brian Kuh, Mike Thompson
Location: 13th Annual Slamdance Film Festival, 255 Main Street
Park City UT 84060 link
Slamdance Film Festival
Slamdance Film Festival - Documentary Competition
Here is the list of films available for the Utah Slamdance Film Festival. Link
The 2007 Documentary Competition Film Features include "The King of Kong"
Video Game Obsessions!
Note: "King of Kong" has been acquired by Picturehouse and New Line Cinema.
The documentary will be released in summer 2007 by Picturehouse, with New Line
Cinema set to produce a narrative feature based on its story and characters.
David Palmer
Let's take a look at the Classic Era Player, David Palmer who still holds
six World Records from the classic era of coin-operated video games.
1986 Guinness Player, David Palmer is back in the game again after 18+ years!
David Palmer is back!
After more than 18 years, David Palmer has decided to re-game and
break his existing Guinness Book World Records. David Palmer TG Stats.
David Palmer's first re-gaming is on that of The Empire Strikes Back with
a unofficial December of 2006 score of 2,233,150
beating his classic era world record score. Forum Link
The game play and strategy is here.
Roy Shildt aka "Mr. Awesome" -
Moments before his Missile Command World Record Attempt (12/21/06)
Roy Shildt
Roy Shildt replays Missile Command at All Games Live Arena in Los Angeles
on air live for a Missile Command score 936,165, on 12/21/06. The Controversy
continues. Link
As Tony Temple is tired of the wild stories. Link
As well as the Dip Switch #4 (ON) MC Arguement, Link
Or Dip Switch #4 (OFF) Arguement in the MC Manual. Link
What Does TG think about the whole issue? Link
All of this took place at the >Arena Interactive Lounge 2006 Christmas Bash!
with a blog about the event and TG
updates for the upcoming year.
All Games Interactive Main Page Link
( 1-866-880-0156 toll free in the United States and Canada. )
Dan Coogan Marathons Gravitar
Gravitar New World Record
Dan Coogan rally's Gravitar for a new world
record of 8,029,450 after playing for 23
hours and 15 minutes from 10:15 AM 12/22/06
to 9:30 AM 12/23/06. Link
Robert Mruczek - Twin Galaxies Referee - Breaking News: December 12, 2006
Robert Mruczek, former Chief Referee, quits Twin Galaxies
Robert Mruczek is giving up his post as Referee as of 12/12/06 at which he was
Chief Referee for many years with Twin Galaxies. Link
He has been lessoning his duties over the past year. link
It looks like Robert Mruczek is done with Twin Galaxies and will pursue
his own interests as Walter Day, founder, Twin Galaxies is also planning
on doing. Link
Ralph H. Baer - Video Game Inventor
Let's recognize Ralph H. Baer as the "Father of Home Video Games Technology"
Ralph H. Baer receives the National Medal of Technology
Ralph H. Baer
It is in 1966 that Ralph H. Baer made the revolutionary invention called the video game.
In 1972, the first commercial video game system was released by Magnavox: Odyssey,
with Ralph Baer's raster design which enables one to play video games on the television
set. Link
President George W. Bush presented a National Medal of Technology, on Monday,
February 13, 2006 to Ralph H. Baer of Manchester, N.H., during ceremonies in
the East Room of the White House, for his advancements and inventions which
started the video game industry. Link
Ralph H. Baer, Chief Engineer, inventor and entrepreneur is known as the
"Father of Video Games." He was the first known inventor of the home video
game with the invention the brown box which was later renamed Magnavox Odyssey
(1972). Link
Ralph H. Baer wishes to make a statement about who invented what first and who
should be recognized and the fact that Nolan Bushnell developed PONG after he
played a already developed ping-pong game developed by Ralph H. Baer. Link
Scott Safran - Asteroids Champion
It's time to remember Scott Safran Asteroids Champion from November 13, 1982
Scott Safran, with a 53 hour Marathon World Record of 41,336,440 on
November 13, 1982, became one of the first famous Marathoners of the Arcade
Age of the Golden Era who could not be defeated. Link
Pac-Man's Mysterious Split Screen
Pac-Man Level 256 Split Screen Completed on Video Link Courtesy
of Pac-Man Champion Neil Chapman Toronto, Ontario.
Mark Alpiger of has put together some classic video
game media files with Doris Self, Billy Mitchell and more... Link
Billy Mitchell
See some Video Interviews of Classic Video Game Coin-Op World Champions like
Perfect Pacman Billy Mitchell, seen on above Photo and many more. Link
California Extreme 2006
Pennyman Episode 44: California Extreme 2006 coverage
from COIN-OP TV. Interviews with Greg Maletic, Paul Dean, Jerry Ellsworth,
Aaron Giles, Dan Hower and more. This episode is very Pinball friendly!
Rob Welkner of Coin-Op TV interviews Paul Dean
Rob Welkner of RetroBlast/Coin-Op TV Interviews Paul Dean at California Exteme - Episode 44:
Rob Welkner of Coin-Op TV got some tips and tricks on Spy Hunter from none
other than Paul Dean who's championship record on the James Bond themed
classic still stands from 1985! Link
Doris Self, Q*bert expert, has passed away at age 81.
Plantation, Florida, October 3, 2006
Doris Self, what a great lady, and a wonderful inspiration, Q*bert world
Champion in 1983 and oldest competitor, friend to Perfect Pac-man, Billy
Mitchell, has passed away at the age of 81. Link
London, England CGEUK 2005
The CGEUK 2005 was the last International Event that Doris Self competed in,
representing the USA. Link
The First AMOA International Expo Pinball Championships!
Let the Good Times Roll
Championship Pinall Event
Sept. 27, 2006 - Friday Sept. 29, 2006 Las Vegas Convention Center South Hall, 3
AMOA, along with the all new International Flipper Pinball Association (IFPA)
will be crowning the the industry's TOP PINBALL WIZARD. Link
AMOA International Expo Pinball Championships
September 27-30, 2006
Las Vegas Convention Center
Las Vegas, NV
Final Results: Keith Elwin was the primary AMOA Pinball Champion champion at this
Las Vegas Competition. Link
Atari Founder Nolan K. Bushnell

September 11, 2006
Nolan K. Bushnell is the founder of Atari, Chuck E. Cheese and producer of Pong.
He now has a new company and is bringing interactive gaming back with his new
Uwink Touch Screen Restaurant. link
Paul Dean in front of his favorite game, Spy Hunter
Paul Dean and Jim Belstio make a splash with their local Press Enterprise
Riverside, Ca. paper for 2007 Guinness World Records. Link
Published Guinness World Records 2007 - Video Game Results
August 23, 2006
The Guinness World Records 2007 Book is out with four pages of video game and
other related high scores and will be followed by the
Guinness Book of World Records 2008 Video Game Edition.
Lets compare the New 2007 Guinness World Record Book
to the last 1986 Guinness Book of Video Game World Records to compare the New
Classic Game Modern Players with that of the Classic Age Players. Link
Papa 9
World Pinball Championship Contest
August 17-20, 2006
Papa 9 Final Results (A Division Results)
1st Place - Lyman Sheats
2nd Place - Donavan Stepp
3rd Place - Keith Elwin
4th Place - Andrei Massenkoff
The Papa 9 Final Results are Here: Link
Papa 9 (A Division Qualifiers are top 16): Link
Papa 9 Pinball Tournament to be on August 17-20, 2006
Papa 9 World Pinball Championships will be the biggest and best event
of the year as all the best pinball players in the world will be flying
out to participate in this $ 33,250 Cash Prize event on August 17-20, 2006
in Pittsburg, PA, USA.
Bowen Kerins was the official winner of the Papa 8 contest, and he
will be there to defend his title.
There will be six divisions and hundreds of pins to play as well as many
mini tournaments for all to join in on the fun of competition. Link
Posted: July 31, 2006
BREAKING NEWS: E3 2007 Video Game Trade Show Cancelled
E3 Electronic Entertainment Expo: Breaking News: July 31, 2006
Industry insiders disclosed to me today that the beloved Los Angeles
2007 Electronic Entertainment Expo Trade Show has been Cancelled
permantely, as it does not make enough revenue and exposure for the larger
video game companies to continue at this venue. "The costs are just to great."
The world of interactive entertainment has changed since E3 Expo was created
12 years ago.
There may be smaller venues in the future for individual companies to
display their video games but E3 is now Dead. Link
No more Large Los Angeles Tradeshow for E3
E3 will still take place in Los Angeles, described by ESA as a “great and
supportive partner helping to build E3.” You just won't see any more mammoth
booths such as the ones provided by Electronic Arts, Activision, Sony, Microsoft and
others. Instead, E3 will focus on press events and small meetings with media, retail,
development, and other key sectors. While there will be opportunities for game
demonstrations, E3 Expo 2007 will not feature the large trade show
environment of previous years. The three day E3 event brought in $50 million
to Los Angeles each year, and these monies will not be seen again, as the
video game publishers are no longer interested in large video game conventions at
this time. Link
E3 should now be officially renamed, "Little Three" as it will never
be the same.
July 28-30, 2006 Fabulous Fantasies Las Vegas Pinball Tournament - The Full Story
Read about my experiences at this wild Fabulous Fantasies pinball event
complete with Roller girls, Rick Stetta, Pirates and Limos'. You won't believe it. Link
Fabulous Fantasies Las Vegas Pinball Tournament Results
July 28-30, 2006
Herb Silvers Fabulous Fantasies Las Vegas Pinball Tournament was held
at The Plaza, Las Vegas, NV: Link
Final Results/Prizes
1st Place Rick Stetta $ 1,500.00
2nd Place Josh Sharpe $ 750.00
3rd Place Eden Stamm $ 250.00
Herb Silvers Fabulous Fantasies Web Site Link
Pinball Wizard Rick Stetta is best known for his win of (Papa 2) 1/8/1992. Link
Josh Sharpe won the 2005 May Day Pinball Contest in 2005 and the 2006 Midwest Gaming Classic.
Las Vegas Pinball Fantasy Event to be from July 28-30, 2006!
July 28-30, 2006
This pinball tournament will be at the Union Plaza Hotel in Las Vegas NV.
Union Plaza Hotel
Las Vegas 10th Annual Pinball Fantasy Event
The Union Plaza Hotel is positioned at the tip of Fremont Street and its
riveting sound-and-light shows, the Plaza Hotel and Casino - Las Vegas is
located two miles from the Strip and three miles from the Las Vegas
Convention Center. A great location for pinball with its bright lights
and festive atmosphere.
Jackie Gaughan's - Union Plaza Hotel
One Main Street
Las Vegas, NEVADA 89125
The organizer is Herb Silvers (818) 761-2255 Link
Herb Silvers:
July 8, 2006
California Extreme Pac-Mania/Spy Hunter High Score Contest Results
July 8, 2006 Paul Dean Pacmania/Spy Hunter High Score Contest Results
July 13, 2006 - Read the story of the Final Results for the California
Extreme Events of July 8-9, 2006 and the Paul Dean Pacmania/Spy Hunter High Score
Contest Results Link
California Extreme July 8, 2006 Contest Results are now Final
For a new world record on factory default settings done at California
Extreme 2006, Tongki Linderman, previous world record holder of Pac-Mania
from 2003, beats his previous world record with a new world record of 3,733,860 on
factory default settings. Wow! $50.00 Cash prize awarded to Tongki Linderman.
Jonathan Koolpe, also an organizer of California Extreme 2006 wins the
Spy Hunter contest with a high score of 295,875. A $50.00 Cash prize
was awarded to "Jon" Jonathan Koolpe. Not to be out done Paul Dean
put up a 1,100,000 score for all to see on Sunday July 9, 2006 for those who
were interested in seeing the million point digit on Spy Hunter which hasn't
been done since Paul Dean's 9.5 Million world record done on June 28, 1985
at the Third Annual Twin Galaxies Guinness Masters Tournament.
There were many other cash prizes, Here are the complete results for the
California Extreme Pac-Mania/Spy Hunter Contest and Pinball High Score Contest Link
July 9, 2006 California Extreme Pinball Results
Bowen Kerins came in First Place in the A Division California
Extreme Masters Pinball Tournament
Who is this Masked Man who goes around getting high scores
on video games and then disappearing into the night?
Masked Man Appearing Throughout the Country!
Will the above Masked man prodigy make a showing at California Extreme 2006
on July 8-9, 2006? Is it possible to find out his true identity? When will he
pop up next on the radar screen? He was spotted at Apollo Amusments
in Florida and recently made a showing at Funspot Arcade in New Hamphire.
We would all like to know where he will show up next, his true identity
and his secret to demolishing high scores. Will he play in the new
Spy Hunter/Pac-Mania High Score Contest? Stay tuned!
California Extreme 2006
Coin-Operated Video Game High Score Contest July 8, 2006
California Extreme Coin-Op Video Game Pac-Mania and Spy Hunter
High Score Contest with High Score Cash Prizes Sponsored by Paul Dean Link
Are you coming to California Extreme on July 8, 2006, here are some contest
and speaker details Link
"Reagan Years" the 1980's Classics Arcade in Fullerton, CA
Has now Re-Opened and has a whole new facelift! (June 16, 2006)
Reagan Years
This classic era arcade, "Reagan Years" is combined in a way with the ultra hip,
"The Sidebar Rock and Roll Cafe" is connected to Reagan Years and is co-owned by
the famous rock band guitarist from "Lit", Jeremy Popoff and businessman,
Sean Francis. Link
1986 Bally's Aladdin's Castle Masters Tournament
Gary Hatt, past member of the U.S. National Video
Game Team, has found the 1986 Video Game Masters Tournament manual from
the 1986 Bally's Aladdin's Castle Masters Tournament which was in
their 100+ arcades and has archived the manual at the following Link
California Extreme July 8-9, 2006
Las Vegas Hall Of Fame Master Tournament Final Results

Las Vegas April 28-30, 2006 Hall of Fame Pinball Tournament Final Results Link
Walter Day getting ready for the First Annual Pinball and Video Masters Guinness Tournament
April 28-30, 2006
First Annual Pinball and Video Masters Guinness Tournament to be held at
Tim Arnolds Las Vegas Hall of Fame Museum Link
Will Pizza Pong be more popular than the Original Pong?
Will the new game, Pizza Pong be a bigger hit than the original?
Only time will tell, but you can't help but like anything that
involves pizza! Play
Go make pizza!
Did you ever play puppy pong at Chuck E. Cheese back in 1973? Link
The '80s games are the foundation for everything that's come after them.
FUNSPOT HIGH SCORE NEWS UPDATE: The Final Results are in for the Winners of the
(2006) Funspot Event
As originally reported by Gary Vincent, Funspot Family Entertainment Center
Operations Manager for the Funspot 8th Annual International Classic Game Tournament
on Thursday, June 1st through Sunday, June 4th, 2006: Link
Funspot Walkthrough by Tony Temple Link
Tony Temple June 2006 Funspot Competition Photos Link
2006 Funspot Results
Funspot Classic Arcade Player of the Year 2006: Michael Sao Pedro
Mike Sao Pedro - Player of the Year 2006
Funspot VIII
Funspot 8th Annual
International Classic Game Tournament
Funspot Player of the Year:
Michael Sao Pedro - (Mike Sao Pedro)
Pinball: Michael Sao Pedro
Color: David Nelson
Monochrome: David Nelson
Ladies: Christian Cram

(2005) Walter Day, Twin Galaxies Intergalactic Scoreboard Referee
Funspot Classic Tournament June 2-5, 2005 - See Details Here
Weirs Beach, New Hampshire
June 2-5, 2005 Funspot Tournament Winners Are:
1st Mike Sao Pedro, from Melrose, Massachusetts, USA
2nd Dave Nelson, He was in first place in 2004
3rd Martin Bedard, from St Lazare, PQ, Canada
2005 Funspot Classic Tournament Results Link
Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 8:31 pm -- ROBERT M. - IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT - Funspot 2005
(First Place) David Nelson
(Second Place) Michael Sao Pedro
(Third Place) Jason Cram
The Retro Scene Gets Ready to Rumble...
United Kingdom VS United States of America!
Classic Gaming Expo UK and Twin Galaxies to bring European and American players
together for a big showdown planned on classic video games Saturday, August 13, 2005
at the United Kingdom World Contest (CGE UK). Link
CGEUK 2006 (Cancelled)
Chris Millard decided for various reasons not to do a CGEUK show in 2006 Link
Gary Whelan
Englishman - Galaxian Champion $1000.00 Challenge
Gary Whelan -
Gary Whelan, New Dukinfield, Greater Manchester World Champion of Galaxian,
United Kingdom will be going for the 1 million point high score for a
Billy Mitchell bounty of $1,000.00 at the CGE UK event. High score results: Link
Gary Whelan Quote regarding CGEUK Tournament:
"I missed CGEUK this weekend due to being Hospitalized for five days
Apologies to Chris and Christine, Walter Day, and especially Perry Rodgers,
who I was due to face off against on Galaxian." Link
Gary Whelan came to America to compete at the Apollo Competition in Pompano, Florida
April 6-9, 2006.Link
Gary Whelan, Galaxian Champion, came to America to compete at the Funspot Competition in
Weirs Beach, New Hamphire, June 1-4, 2006. Link He put up
a World Record Score on Galaxian of 503,710, beating our American Galaxian Champion, Perry Rodgers.
Gary Whelan Web Site Link
Dieu Et Mon Droit
God And My Right
8/24/05 Katrina Reeks Havoc
Tropical Storm Katrina on the morning of August 24, 2005 strikes Louisiana Link
This hits to close to home for those who have
already lost love ones at 911 Link
Katrina Storm causes Louisanna Superdome evacuation chaos Link
Thursday, 7/7/05
London England Terrorist Attack
link 1 link 2
The Union Jack at Buckingham Palace flew at half-staff
in respect for the dead and injured.
My sympathies to all those in London, England who have been scarred from the
terrorist attack!
Escaping from London passenger train trapped in a tunnel
near Kings Cross station.
Images of attack Link
Tragic, simply terrible, words don't do the thing justice
Classic Gaming Expo
United Kingdom UK 2005
United Kingdom World Contest
Saturday 13th of August, Fairfield Halls, Park Lane,
Croyden, CR91DC
Ringside seats available now: call 020 8688 9291 London, England.
Fairfield is situated in the heart of Croydon and is easily accessible by all
forms of transport, just a little south of London, England.
The official Games of this contest
Millipede (5 lives only setting)
Joust (5 lives only setting)
Robotron (5 lives only setting)
Galaga (5 lives only setting)
Kung-Fu Master (Normal Settings)
Further Details: Link
The contest will have three major rounds of play, allowing each player three
total attempts on each game. The highest score achieved during the three
attempts will be the player's score on that game.
The Americans Have begun to practice the contest games for the
"Crowning the Classic Video Game Champions of Europe."
It is recommended that the British/European players start practicing because
the USA/Canada players take this event very seriously!
Date of California Extreme 2005 (Coin-Op Classics Contest)
San Jose, California, August 6-7, 2005 Link
Expect An Extreme Spy Hunter High Score at California Extreme(August 6-7, 2005)
Extreme Prediction
One Million Points on Spy Hunter by Paul Dean coming up on August 6-7, 2005 at California Extreme
Paul Dean to show up this year for a Spy Huner REPLAY
at the California Extreme Event in order to beat Mark Little's High Score of 832,620. Link
California Extreme and CGEUK Event Results Link
20 Year Countdown of (Paul Dean) Undefeated Spy Hunter Guinness Book of World Record High Score
Spy Hunter High Score 20th Anniversary of June 28, 1985
Third Annual Masters Tournament Scores
Best Viewing is with Browser: Internet Explorer 6.0 or Higher
Large Graphics To Load For Special Effects
Coin-Op Golden Era Classic Gaming Site
If you are missing Frame Options on the left side then click Here:
[Coin-Op World Records Frames]
[Walter Day] is Editor and Scorekeeper
"Twin Galaxies Official Video Game & Pinball Book of World Records"
[Walter Day]
, Referee: (641)-721-1949
Robert T Mruczek, Chief Referee
This is the web page of
[ Paul Dean] P a u l d e a n 0 0
(Use Above Email Address Without USING Any Spaces)
1986 Guinness Book World Record Holder of Spy Hunter
This web page to cover
many topics on high scores and the classic era
of video games as well as the fight for Paul Dean
to get back onto the scoreboard after the
score was pulled
in year 2003 for being to high for modern era
players to compete.
Walter Day Email []
The following interviews and commentary are
for Entertainment Use Only, and Please Do not
take any third party information as fact until
you speak directly to those involved. Site not
intended as fact as this information is third party
Entertainment Only
- - - - -- - --- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
B R E A K I N G N E W S: August 16, 2004
- - - - -- - --- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
----- Original Message -----
From: Walter Day
Sent: Monday, August 16, 2004 7:36 PM
Subject: Spy Hunter and Star Wars
Paul Dean (spy hunter champion),
David Palmer (star wars champion),
Both scores, Spy Hunter and Star Wars, are not partitioned
in any way. They are the official world records.
Walter Day
- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - -- - -
The age of video-game arcades was a seriously big phenomenon,"
says Walter Day, who edits Twin Galaxies' book of world records.
"I'll bet a million people across the world were vying for the
world record in 'Spy Hunter' and other games."
- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - -- - -
YOU ARE AT [Coin-Op World Records] Home Page
click on
headers/for links and to get back to this home page after reading each link.
News Update on Mark Alpiger: February 22, 2005
Mark Alpiger
Contender on Crystal Castles (now #2),
Marble Madness, The Glob, Roadrunner,
Snakepit, Tetris Plus, Tetris Plus 2;
avid gamer on arcade and computer
platforms, plus MAME
(see MDARULZ at M.A.R.P.)
Please contact Mark Alpiger, who is first
in URGENT BREAKING NEWS, from Funspot.
His integrity and honesty precedes him
as an great reporter of these events.
Please contact him and see his web
site for BREAKING NEWS because he has
the most up to date lists and first person
contacts with the refs, judges and players.
Mark Alpiger's Web Site
Louisville, KY United States
2006 Bounties
See Mark Alpiger Marathon Bounties on the above titles: Link
Spy Hunter
Game Music
Spy Hunter
Click At Desired Graphic Text For Each Introduction
Biography Commentary Questions

Click On Below Graphic Text For Spy Hunter Introduction

Tournament and Guinness Book Results From 1983-2004
Click On Below Graphic Text For All Video High Scores thru 2004

The Golden Era
Click On Below Graphic Text For Material On The Golden Years Of Video Games 1980's

Click the Below Graphic Text to read my Conversations With Walter Day

June 9, 2004 Walter Day states, "No Replay Necessary" for Paul Dean

Find A Video Game Auction Near You

Home Page

----------------- END OF PAGE -----------------
Quotes below:
Reminder to Self Link
Never try to get even with our enemies, because
if we do we will hurt ourselves far more than
we hurt them. Let's do as General Eisenhower
does; Let's never waste a minute thinking about
people we don't like.
Take care,
Paul Dean
[Q U I C K: L i n k s t o a l l o f t h i s s i t e s (s p y h u n t e r i n t e r n a l p a g e s]
guinnes book world records
Link: [Funspot Classic Games Message Board For World Record Holders]
CLOSED Because of too much airing out of dirty laundry. [Link]
Link: [Mark Alpiger has started a new Classic Games Message Board]
Link: [MAME, MARP Video Game players and other video game activities Forms Message Board]
Ground Kontrol Famous Arcade for classic game competitions [News] [Link 1] [Link 2]
Link: [Archives of Funspot Classic Games Message Board - by Mark Alpiger]
Link: [Twin Galaxies Classic Games Message Board For World Record Holders]
Link: [Atari Age Message Board for everything Atari Related]
Link: [Retro Gamer Message Board for everything Retro Gaming]
Link: [Retro Fusion Message Board for everything in the Retro Gaming World]
Link: [Everything Pac-Man related in the Gaming World]
Link: [Paul's Blog so you can put in your comments about the World of Classic Gaming.]
For Your Information:
Walter Day, Chief Scorekeeper
Twin Galaxies
600 North Third Street
Fairfield, IA 52556 USA
To obtain the rules
Robert Mruczek,
Golden Era Game of the Week (MARP), spy hunter:[Link]
Click here to see who's linking to this site
[Who Links Here]
Coin-Op TV
Coin-Op TV with Taryn Southern interviewing the best
video game players in the world.
Walter Day, Chief Referee:[Interview]
Interviews with the Champion Video Game Players by Coin-Op TV:[Link]
The new spy hunter - cool music:[link]
November 24, 1984 (Below is paraphrased:)
Dear Walter Day,
The American publisher of the Guinness Book of World
Records editor, David Boehm thanks you for your kind
efforts and hard work in supplying the Guinness Book
with accurate qualified video game scores from the
Masters Tournament for our 1985 edition and I look
forward to receiving the same kind of
information for our 1986
and future guinness editions.
We will continue publishing video game scores and we are
happy to continue to recognize you as the authority for providing
these high scores along with your organization, The Twin Galaxies
International Scoreboard and are glad that your tournaments
create the official world record scores. You are the only
supplier of video game high scores that we consider accurate and
authentic so that we can use your information in the
Guinness Book of World Records and in the Guinness Sports Book
which we are preparing at this time.
If you will be good enough to continue supplying us with this
same kind of high scores from your tournaments, we agree to
continue publishing the information gathered in our various Guinness
books. As you well know, Guinness books are regarded as the last
word in authentic world records and we appreciate your work in
supplying us with these high scores.
Guinness Book of World Records
Sterling Publishing, Inc.
April 26, 2005
Dear Paul,
Thank you for all the information.
Best wishes,
David Hawksett
Science & Technology
Guinness World Records
338 Euston Road
London NW1 3BD
Tel: +44 (0) xxx xxx xxxx
Fax: +44 (0) xxx xxx xxxx
David Hawksett, Guinness World Records; tel 44-207-891-4588, fax 44-207-891-4501,
David Hawksett has served as the Guinness World Records book's first full-time
science and technology editor.
Science And Technology
Guinness World Records
Find Easter Egg Video Game hidden Tricks by clicking on the Easter Icon
Are you Addicted to Gaming? Link
Are you a Super Fan of Star Wars? (Parental Advisory)
California Extreme 2005 (Coin-Op Classics Contest)
August 6-7, 2005
San Jose, California Link
Classic Gaming Expo 2005
August 20-21, 2005
Burlingame, CA near San Francisco at the Hyatt Regency Link
Thank you,
Paul Dean, Spy Hunter Champion, June 28, 1985
Paul Dean, 20 year undefeated spy hunter champion from 1985 now interviewed
by "The Press Enterprise", May 30, 2005 Link
Steve Wiebe Scores 985,600 on Donkey Kong at Funspot on June 3, 2005, which
is the highest score ever for a Donkey Kong live performance.
Steve Wiebe Timeline
The Pac-man Video Game celebrates its Twenty-Fifth Anniversary!!!
June 20, 2005 - Billy Mitchell - Perfect Pacman
Story of Pac-man's 25th Anniversary and Billy Mitchell,
the first player who beat the game!
Gamers add 10+ years to a Healthy life so you can play games well into your old age. Link

With the help of a well-placed oil slick, we stop Paul Dean in his tracks
and ask him a few questions about his record that was done on June 28, 1985. Link
Retro Gamer magazine has been purchased by Imagine Publishing. Issue 19 will be
published in December 2005 with Steve Wiebe, Donkey Kong Champion. Link
Pinball Wizard
Who is the best Pinball player in the World?
Professional and Amateur Pinball Association
PAPA 7 A Division Finals PBHS Country 2004
Winner Lyman Sheats
2nd Keith Elwin
3rd Jim Belsito
4th Neil Shatz
PAPA 8 A Division Finals PBHS Country 2005
Winner Link
1st Place - Bowen Kerins
2nd Place - Neil Shatz
3rd Place - Lyman Sheats
4th Place - Zach Sharpe
Texas Pinball Festival October 28-30, 2005
Over 100 video and pinball games on free play!
Texas Pinball Festival - October 28-30, 2005
Holiday Inn
4441 Hwy. 114 at Esters Blvd.
Irving, TX 75063
(972) 929-8181
e-mail: or call: 214-632-5537 Link
Final Results of Texas Pinball Festival October 28-30, 2005
Texas Nascar Pinball Competition Winner Results October 28-30, 2005
1st Place - Jim Belsito, from Rialto, California - Winner, $750.00
Jim Belsito came back in the double elimination to win the competition.
Texas Donkey Kong Competition Winner Results October 28-30, 2005
1st Place - Andy Rosa, from Detroit, Michigan -
Winner, (126,400 points) The winner won a new (Donkey Kong Machine)
2nd Place, Dwayne Richards
October 28-30, 2005 Texas Coin-Op Classic Donkey Kong First Place winner
of the Classic Arcade Game Tournament will be crowned Grand Champion and
awarded a trophy and a vintage Donkey Kong Arcade Game valued at over $850! Link
Over 7,000 square feet of pure gameroom fun, all weekend long! of pure gameroom
fun, all weekend long!
There will be over 100 pinball machines,classic video games and other gameroom
goodies set up on free play for everyone to enjoy the entire weekend. Leave your
quarters at home.
(October 28-30, 2005) Texas Video Game and Pinball Classics Competitions
(October 28-30, 2005) Classic arcade game DONKEY KONG Tournament Link
(October 28-30, 2005) Texas Pinball Wizard Contest Link
(October 28-30, 2005) Texas Video Game and Pinball Lineup Link
Chicago, Illinois Pinball Expo and Competition November 17-20, 2005
November 17-20, 2005
There will be a Nascar Pinball Competition at the Chicago Illinois Pinball Expo event Link
Jim Belsito, Winner, Texas - Nascar Pinball Championship Link
Grand Wizard (playoff of "A" and "Manufacturers" divisions winners):
Keith Elwin, Winner - November 2-5, Wyndham O'Hare, - Rosemont, IL
The Legends of the Golden Age (2005) Video Game Competition
Totally Amused, 19333 Hwy 59 North in Humble, Texas 77338
Contact: (832) 347-6570 (Callan Hendricks or Dwayne Richard)
Dwayne Richard, Promotes the December 2-4, 2005 Texas Classic Video Game Competition Link
Superstar Dwayne Richard is planning a classics event for December 2-4, 2005 Link
Dwayne Richard is planning a classic game competition hosted by his friends
Callan vidpin Hendriks and Charles Kalas of at Houston, Texas
on December 2-4, 2005. Link
Joystix Classic Games and Pinballs
1820b Franklin Street - Downtown Houston, TX | Tel: 713.224.2225 | Mobile: 713.875.7162
Superstar, Paul Dean, Makes Good on Promise
Houston, Texas Superstar Reunion Competition, December 2-4, 2005
Frenzy New High Score by Paul Dean Link
Iron Man, Paul Dean, makes new 41 hour record on Frenzy Link
Iron Man, Kelly Tharp, makes new 44 hour record on Q*bert Link
Dodge City Classic Video Game Showdown
2006 Classic Classic Video Game Showdown
Who is the Toughest Gun??
A big Classic Competition with all the legendary players, will be at the Apollo
Amusements Center at 820 Andrews Street, Pompano Beach, Florida on April 6-9, 2006.
The Superstar Legendary Results will be in the 2007 Guinness Book of World Records. Link
Tony Temple is the new World Champion of Missile Command
On March 9, 2006, British Gamer, Tony Temple beat Roy Shildt's July 3, 1985
Missile Command Guinness Book World Record score with a new high score of 1.967
million points. Link
Tim Arnold & Twin Galaxies
Host the First Annual Guinness Book Pinball Masters Tournament
For the first time in its 52-year history, Guinness World Records(tm)
will be publishing pinball masters tournament high scores. Twin Galaxies
First Annual Guinness Book Masters Tournanment dates: April 28-30, 2006 Link
Tim Arnold Hall of Fame & Museum
3330 E. Tropicana Avenue
Las Vegas, Nevada 89121
The History of Tim Arnold and the Hall of Fame Museum (90 min. audio interview) Link
The Orange County, CA. Pinball league has 23 players and
is a new league. This is a free league with 100's of
different types of pinball's to play.
Chris Enright, President: Link
Click on above graphic for the United States Pinball
High Score Tournament Results from 1995-2005 Link
Pinball Tournament Schedule Link
Pinball Rule Sheets Link
Riverside, Ca, "Inland Empire Cal Pinball league" Jim Belsito, President: Link
Cal Pinball Winter League starts November 30, 2005 - Newcomers welcome.
Email Jim Belsito at the above link.
The Games for the Tournament Play:
Halloween Party at Jim Belsito's (2005) Link
Portland Pinball League
New location every Wednesday night from 8PM-10PM (No Dues) Link
President, Jeff Weston Link
Ground Kontrol Pinballs, Portland, Oregon Link
The Toronto Pinball League
The Toronto Pinball League (ToPL) is an organization that brings
together people who love to play pinball competitively Link
A list of pinball website Links provided
by Stern Pinball.
David Boehm, Guinness Book of World Records Link
This site's Web Page Contents Link
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