Because so many people were playing games and were interested in beating
these games, the [Guinness Book] of World Records started publishing High
Scores. Unfortunately, the craze of video games wore out and the Guinness
Book of World Records discontinued publishing High Scores after 1987.
Some high scores were published before the phasing out of the Guinness Book
Video Game High Scores, and my Spy Hunter high score is the last ever published
in the [Guinness Book] of World Records for Spy Hunter. These web pages
basically revisit that past craze and special time when people would get
together in Video Game Arcades and share ideas about how to beat the latest
video game.
Now in 2004, classic video games are hard to find, and they are not
working in prime condition. in 1982, America had more than 20,000 arcades.
Now, probably less than 100 of those arcades are still in existence. The
Computers in today's homes are much faster and have higher technology than
what the Arcade has to offer, and so the Video Game Arcades of Yesterday
have just about completely disappeared.